Tuesday 4 April 2017

OncoTherics wins RESI Innovation Challenge competition

OncoTherics has won an International Innovation Challenge competition, and a chance to "pitch" at the upcoming RESI Investor conference this April, to be held at the MaRS Centre, Toronto.

Stefan Ogrodzinski (CEO OncoTherics) said; "We are thrilled to have won this competition and the chance to speak to Investors at the RESI conference in Toronto"

OncoTherics goal is to develop new drugs that target areas of the tumour that conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy cannot reach. Specifically our interests concern the biology of hypoxic tumour microenvironments and the role these microenvironments play in the resistance and spread of a variety of cancers. Our solution is to target the hypoxic microenvironment with a new class of pro-drugs, that are able to penetrate the whole tumour including the difficult to reach hypoxic regions.

We have demonstrated in a variety of tumours containing difficult to reach hypoxic cancer cells, that our prodrugs are irreversibly metabolised to highly effective and persistent TOPO II inhibitors. The unique combination of high penetration, irreversible conversion and persistance of the resultant TOPO II inhibitor, sets our drugs apart from the competition. Applications include a wide spectrum of cancers, but particularly very hypoxic tumours, like pancreatic cancer, prostate and glioblastoma.