Wednesday 2 October 2013

OncoTherics voted BEST START-UP COMPANY at the Conservative Party Conference 2013

OncoTherics has won the title “Best Start-Up Company” at the 2013 Conservative Party Conference. The company was voted the winner by hundreds of delegates at the conference in Manchester.

Delegates were invited to visit the “Start-Up Hub” area of the exhibition hall to meet the founders of twelve new companies from across the UK, before being invited to choose a winner by placing a ball in the corresponding tube of the most impressive company.   

Representatives from OncoTherics also had the opportunity to explain the company's technology and opportunity to the Prime Minister and the Chancellor, before being presented with a certificate by the competition organiser Damien Collins MP. OncoTherics also received a tablet computer awarded by competition sponsors, Fujitsu.

OncoTherics has developed a patented drug, which targets the most aggressive cancer cells in tumours by honing in on the hypoxic (low oxygen) characteristics of these cells. The company is currently looking for investors to fund the drug’s development to get it from the laboratory into the hands of clinicians, where it could potentially improve the lives of thousands of cancer patients every year, particularly those with aggressive Pancreatic cancer or Prostate cancer.

The company’s success also highlights that pharmaceutical drug discovery is alive and well in Great Britain, despite the tough economic climate and strong competition on the global pharmaceutical stage.    

Stefan Ogrodzinski, Director of OncoTherics commented:

“This win is a huge boost to the OncoTherics team. Showcasing our company at the Conservative Party Conference gave us a f
antastic opportunity to raise awareness of the company, our exciting new drug technology and the investment opportunity. Our win shows the British public are as passionate about beating the most aggressive cancers as we are.” 

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